Search Results
1961 and 62 Plymouth valiant resurrection
62 Plymouth Valiant vs 67 Pontiac Catalina
61 Plymuth valiant she is just beautiful to me !
Starting up our 1961 Greenbrier
1960 Comet Resurrection
#75. Plymouth Fury 2-Door Hardtop 1962 (RETROCAR)
58 Plymouth Belvederes(2) & a 61 Fury!
1962 Dodge Custom 880 Two Door Hardtop RedWht MtDoraLakesideInn050915
Three in the Tree linkage adjustment! Get rid of the slop, the jamming, the terrible neutral feel!!
1961 Olds Cutlass F85 Stationwagon RedWht VeroBeach032115
1962 Chrysler 300 STILL SEEKING $PONSORSHIP!!!
How to adjust the shift linkage on a 3 on the Tree (3 Speed Collumn Shift) transmission.